Manage press calibration curves
Menu Spot Colour not found in Spot Colour Calibration Targetset

If no calibration curve set contains the spot colour name, a new colour entry in the standard spot colour targetset Spot color library is created with the curve values from the default curve.
For a spot colour job the profile view looks like: Spot Colour not found in Spot Colour Calibration Targetset

Default spot
colour targetset

1. Default spot 
colour targetset
If the colour name is not found in any calibration curve set, the default spot color targetset is selected.

Selected spot
colour curve

2. Selected spot 
colour curve
Spot  colour name is automatically added to the standard targetset

Add spot colour

3. Add spot colour
The icon shows that the spot is going to be added to the standard curve set.

Job's spot
colour name

4. Job's spot 
colour name
Spot colour name from job

Add spot

5. Add spot
To add the spot colour to a different spot targetset, see here: